Monday, December 21, 2020

Advices about composing a hymn

 "F36.   Composing a hymn is a different thing, but I guess that one can use the same piece of advice about how to produce a melody like the atmosphere. As far as I understadn, a hymn is the atmosphere of some place where there is frcatureless nature and it's wisdom emphasizes virtues needed in a good society, and offers some view of how such fractyureless atmospheric society is possiblke, what it is build upon and what it is like in at,osphere, and that is composed: some moment wandering there, like Finlandia Hymn is about skiing on sunny spring winter landscape somewhere in nature with open spaces and trees and lots of snow, and somehow that fracturelessness is a good model for society yet familiar for almost all."

Advices on how to compose an ode


F35.   I just learned how to compose an ode to someone that one loves. I had been composing today earlier after a long pause, and I sat looking at my apricot poodle Banjo, which was laying and looking, and I thought of saying to it how magnifient to live witha poodle with such fine characteristics as he has, but so I sang the atmosphere of that feeling or thought, and then plotted the melody down somehow, but it is was somewhat Russian sounding melody.

 Here is how to learn to compose music:

"Song inspired by the moment's atmosphere
Now that trees and bushes are getting their leaves, instead of Eurovision song contest, I feel that the nature would somehow long for humans too to sing, maybe like this, a little bit like on the summer cottage or an freely organized choir or singing at home, like feels to suit the moment.
29.4.2017 A singing skill from a few years ago came to my mind today morning, when grass was most places already green, sun was shining, birds sang and the green plants on my window created a feel of green, there was like the summer time a haze like atmosphere in the air. So with that atmosphere came to my mind a tune that I roughly knew, or something in the direction, so I sang it in a way that emphasized the fascination of the atmosphere, like doves or yodling(?) of the Alps or composing, creating sound like the atmosphere, not according to rigid forms but singing especially the parts that are musical, emphasizing the atmoshphere tones, like assembling from pieces of different strenght, somehow a very natural song and atmospheric, a little bit like what a composer seeks for with his/her tune: a moment with such an atmosphere but richer one, and then singing it naturally, not la-la-laa or the like as if from notes but instead from the places that the atmosphere touches oneself, one is fascinated by such an experience, but somehow on a general level and not a murmur of personal life.
This singing skill comes from trying to learn wider expression to be able to sing emotionally like this or a song like that or with a clear atmosphere, impressively or whatever, many kinds of colours in voice, many ways to approach song as one oneself is naturally, since there are moments in life, spirits and many different songs. So when one then picks from that spectrum according to the moment, but somewhat like song being partly carried away by the wind, not of even strenght, one manages to describe the atmosphere tones of the moment, not only in tones of voice but also with singing skills, somehow naturally."

"An easy way to write down the melodies, but I am not sure if iut is right:"


* * *
22.12.2020   I do not have the skill to compose right now, but on the two above pieces I had it. But reflecting on odes, I think that one ought to compose about large wholes like areas of life and as other wholes something like nice to get along and what kind of way of life there is, it's well functioning parts. Like a tree with fallen leaves underneath has a space around it, like wise these ought to have space for them so that they do not get squeezed while you compose but instead keep their form in peace. And just the sense of atmospheres is important,plus feelings and sensations.   

If you compose to a family member or the like, those valued things are parts of your daily life, so that if you meet them only for a moment, you have quite strong and undisturbed atmosphere on them, and that you can compose. And yesterday it appeared that such is good to sing the moment one composes, comes to think of it for the first time, it has some fascination as sung. But it may depend strongly on the person about whom it is and about who sings, so it may be that it is not so widely interesting in to others. Yet it is a nice experience. At you can plot down melodies.

One could also sing this way how nice it is to do something together, for example a hobby. Or compose about kids' hobbies. Or how some company is nice. And maybe those could be on a general level. Maybe one could also just compose about some hobby like action, how it is fun.Maybe that would have a wider level of generality.

An attemot at undoing an atom bomb

 A melody to my blog , where the idea was to synchronoze lives afyter death so that one could continue life as if someplace had not been bombed. But it was based on wishing well in a civiliced way,so here is an attempt at building such good will, if such was lacking in the country due to not so good moral, or something of the kind. Here the idea was that one ought to keep distance, without being personally involved, and so it would be easier.

Winter Solsctice


E33.   21st of December 2020 Winter Solstice    Winter solstice is to be lived quite quietly, normal life but paying attrention to that symbolics would not go badly, for example not drinking unusually much black coffee but drinking coffee with milk isntead if such is closer to one's normal symbolics, since some think that such symbolics can be used to partly ruin some parts of the coming year. Winter solstice isn't the darkest day of the year, since darkness of the day depends on the cloudiness only and of whether there is snow. Snow lightens even the night to twilight with no big darkness. Wiunter solstice  is the shortest day of the year, and that is why the time around it is called the darkest time of the year, even though Christmas is so near that it kind of lightens the atmosphere. Winter solstice is also a time to pay attention to what one thinks and especially to things that tend to affect atmosphere, since sometimes when one thinks of for example someone who has recently died, that may ruin the atmosphere, while the coming Christmas may make it a normal day, but such depends on the people around, how they take the winter solstice, what they happen to think about it. Winter solstice is depending on teh year either 21st or 22nd of December. Winter solstice is a time to reflect on the lenght of the day: how it varies so much across the year that the difference in the amount of sun light affects weathers so much that it creates the seasons which affect life hugely. And soon it will be Christmas. And quite in the beginning of Januatry one already notices how mornings get light earlier and earlier each morning.



In fact I only wrote about the winter solstice, but then in my email was a newsletter from music grants, and I guessed that they would have liked music about winter solstice, so I gave it a try, even though I haven't had my composing skill lately at all - it might be influencies from the Eurovision song contest, since it seems that my piece of music about harmony of people from different continents was Finland's Eurovision song this year, but due to an epidemy the contest was cancelled.

Monday, October 5, 2020

About happiness


E18.   5th of October 2020   I have now lived 11 years in Savonlinna, which is a countryside town in Savo in eastern Finland, and is famous for it's summer time opera festival in a medieval castle in the center of the town, and for the vast lake and forest district Saimaa around which has lots of summer cottages. So it is kind of practical life with arts and nature and some religion too. As I moved to Savonlinna, I had had a way of life and wisdom of life that brought happy life in such things, but as I have lived in Savonlinna, my life has been mostly centered in writing and I haven't been so happy. But today I tried to find that perspective of happy life, even though I have lately been stuck and stupid, but I gave it a try anyway and oproduced these two pieces:

F, D, very quick E, long A

D, very quick E, F, quick D, long A

But I do not know if it suits other places, even though it might,since Savonlinna is a tourist town. But anyway it is only about searching for that perspective of happiness, not about happiness itself.


From my long text about learning the skills of Christmas gnomes

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18.4.2022  Espoossa     Tämä on tosin videon tietojen mukaan vanha kappale, mutta oli kuin sävelmässä olisi ollut samaa ideaa, sekä ehkä vuoden takaa keväältä 2021 sävelmä, kun suren villakoirank kuolemaa mutta muisto jää tai jokin henkinen yhteys, jos kuolemanjälkeinen elämä on llemassa.   

Sunday, September 20, 2020

A pause or an end

 During the last summer 2020 and now in teh begoinning of autumn I havenät had the skill to compose music. I have just had tyoo much influences from people from the tropics. It is also so that if one reaches for some goal, that motivation gives better quality, while if one has succeeded in something that one values and others value too, then it is liuke a celebration day wit boredom, just noyt good for work or ordinary life, and so it is not good for composing either.

Some think that composing music is some kind of present, a position like a contract with a music publisher. But it is not so. For music to soiund like music the experienmce if life needs to be very much the same as that of others on a general level that is, so that when they listen to the mysuc their life sings similarly too and they find those same kinds of things meaningful in their lives. So the possibiliuty for composing many have, but all do not have enough wisdom of life to communicate interestingly to many and all do not have the skill of composing. That skill is just a singing experience of life which you can learn by having a fun sports hobby and having a music hobby too, listening to music in the radio etc. In addition one needs the ability to either sing and recors or play or recognize the notes of the melody, which I learned from little birds. Different people make different kind of music and often hearing different kinds of music is enjoyable, so others too composing isn't away from oneself. One cannot earn anything by composing, the sums are much smaller than the effect of people having opinions about what you have done, much smaller than wage.

After I staryted composing spring 2019 my writing work of some twenty years has run into problems. Maybe someone thinks that I should chagnge my profession to comoposing. But I feel that I cannot separate the two, a composer too needs a life and peace, a place in the world and money too, which is much more likely from writing than from composing. 

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7th of December 2020   Now that it is a year since I composed my winter melodies, I notice that the music is like a picture made of tunes, while the experience of life from which iI composed the melodies was a landscape, snow all around, and the cold against which body created heat was a major element of the situation. Those were very much like a picture plus atmospheres but abotu daily life and winter, not a tune in itself, but so much having an atmosphere that it sings. So that I need to think of the music as separate of how I experienced the weather. It is also different from how my experience of life sang, which was more all around and my body too, instead of one thing at a time, and more personal instead of some music that someone else plays. So I guess that the notes a composer makes are much more distant than the original source of the melodies in experience of life.

Friday, August 7, 2020

Birthday melody

"perjantai 7. elokuuta 2020
Birthday melody
Today is not my birthday but I made a melody since the birthday is quite near and I have not tended to celebrate it now that I am over 40, almost 50. But it is nice to do things that one ordinarily likes.

8.8.2020   I made a new picture now that it is my birthday.


22nd of October 2023   If one has one's birthday near the end of the summer, one often feels that it is one's task to make the summer like happy free wise time continue longer via wisdom of life. That is why my advices for living with the four seasons and about Christmas gnomes and Christmas elves might be worth reading, see

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Motion brings singing sensations

This summer I have had lots of disturbing influencies from others' ways of living the summer, and so I haven't even had the skill to compose, even though I ordinartily have had it. But motion seems to bring it back, at least partly:
Here is from my long gnome skills text :
"Gonmes can be sporty too. Here is maybe something in between having fun and enjoying life and learning sports talents:
""About recovering from more strenous motion than usually:
The body warm and soft, kind of ball like, in ways that feel good as if comfortably in a sofa.
For returning energy reserves healthy food like on saturdays.
One ought to listen to muscles and limbs and the positions of the body: how the exercise makes them stronger and the good posture that they seek how it brings to the different parts of the body good space to live in and support from the neighbouring parts, health and strenght for the future. One ought to reserve time and eace for the body and mind for this like one listens to the body temperature after sauna, in other words there is a moment for this and otherwise one can be peacefully listening to the atmosphere of the moment, for a monet with a smaller sphere of attention for one to be with a better endurancy and more rested in the future, but just only according to what feels good and right, what the body and one's feelings long for.
If one is restless because of having exercised too much, it is good to move a little bit when one feels so whether it is two seconds or a few minutes, and then rest again when one feels so."
"Recovery and getting wiser
Recovering from more strenous motion than usually and after motion generally makes one feel good and is good for the body and mind.
Recovering after motion can make one wise similarly as waking up in the morning gradually (see point 6. in this blog in the text about healthy ways of living), if the movements are free in the whole body most of the time, like the body and mind each moment feel to be good for them, and not all the time curling or all the time as if one were a piece of bread.
Of the type of motion one ought to think that I got this type of motion now but I intend to keep my possibilities of moving wide, also now as I recover. One oguht not aim at being stiuck to that type of moving that one usually meets.
One needs to let the bpdy find a good posture for each of it's parts, for it's environment too anf for all body parts good possibilities of movement to different directu´ions, even though now largely as intentions, and a good posture for each part, and let the posture be alive and change from moment to moment and bring a good honest sporty way of living, a bouncing step and lots of freed energy and a fresh mind."
One can learn sports talents this way:
"Do not make plans about how to move but decide each second and each fraction of a second anew what right now feels like the best idea about where to move, how to move, in which style, in which attitude, in which mood, with how much eager interest and quickness resulting from that or relaxed awareness or emotionally motivated force,... So you change all the time, your plans change and you learn to pick each fraction of a second just the things that you like best right then to be your goalsetting right then in practice in your movements. So you feel happy and fulfilled. Be wary of boredom and habits.""
From my text about the seasons
About the third advice: you are as a doing person going certain way and you instinctually know that a certain way of moving would at that moment be best for you, your body and mood and emotional motivation are tuned to that direction, so you take a step or half a step or a few steps emotionally in that mood, like is the wish of the moment, not a paln, not s though and certainly not pretending something else than your emotionas, mood and body's posture and body's sensations tell you at that moment. Like following temptations, being playful as you move."

Both for motion and for living the weathers, also summer, is a varying rythm good, like feels to suit the moment. Such makes one happier and makes one find out easier how things work out.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Composing isn't a good way to communicate, playing is

I have been a writer over 20 years. I have now composed pieces of music for a little bit over year. A composed piece of music cannot communicate much unless the one playing it is with similar wisdom of life. A text on the other hand always communicates quite much. But one playing or singing a song can communicate a lot via how one sings it.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Late spring melodies 2020

My poodle Banjo has this year liked very much Eurovision videos in the internet, but such has left me feeling somewhat less musical. Besides I seem to have lots of influencies from the summers of others, and mine would have been better. So I try to compose, even though this start isn't so musical day, a not so good day for me.

(15.10.2020   This was just waiting for summer, not yet warm except in the spot of sunlight.)

Trees by the window are just getting their leaves. I composed just something, to kind of catch the tune of composing better, I did not have a good view to compose about.
What matters in summer skills, is tuning to the melodical in experience of the interplay of cool with warm. Otherwise the experience can be too much skriik style.

23.5.2020   Summer is a question of having a holiday. Summer starts when it is warm and green, some flowers too. Most feel unsure about how to start the summer, but if one spends time outdoors in the nature, one catches the tune of summer, not indoors.

24th of May 2020   I have so much influencies from others nowadays that it does not seem so that I could compose anything about the summer. Also the Eurovision, which suited april, left my experience of life unmusical - maybe somewhat like one's own melodies are difficult to play, so maybe some of the performers were composers but at some other moment when life does not sing.

Advices for living the summer & other seasons in my long text about the seasons
In it is also the part  
If you don't feel fully well in the summer time , which I have copied to )

13th of June 2020
I still have lots of influencies from the ways of others to live the summer, mostly from warmer climates, but since it is not my own way of living and since those are worse than my own summer skills, I cannot compose about them. Maybe I cannot compose anything this summer. Because of these influencies my summer does not sing.If you think that your way of experiencing for example the comfortable ways of living in the warmth of tropics, maybe you could take a video of it, or videos and ask people in the South-East Asia to compose it for you, since they have music suited to the warm climate and they are interested in learning skills, I guess, and each place may need it's own music, lots of own music. There is a piece of advice about singing spring that could teach one to compose: . It has a link to an advice about putting that to note form. Poeple who enjoy a sports hobby often have a singing experience of life and so could be a giood guess about to whom to turn to.

18th of June 2020   Fine motorics makes heat regulation much easier. It also helps if blood circulation works well.

21st of June 2020   Tree branches sing in summer wind, not just sigh: A, #F, D, A and upper #C (1/8 notes)

Friday, May 8, 2020

Coxy indoors

Just an attempt, a not so good day for me. Last part watching nature outdoors. In parenthesis the keyboard.

12th of May 2020   Some more thoughts of this melody

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18.4.2022   Tästä sain joskus vaikutelman kuin siinä olisi tämä melodia.

Saturday, April 11, 2020

O sole mio variation for Italian men

I just came to think if the song ought to be sung at a different height and maybe somewhat varied style that happens to suit better.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

An attempt at harmony between humans

These melodies about harmony are just thought with social eye, just somehow, not central or best orso

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Gnome like life

I somehow got stuck writing along text with lots of links about the possibilities of gnome (like Christmas gnomes, "tonttu" or "joulutonttu" in Finnish) like life in the modern world:

Gnome like life in the modern world
part 2.
part 3.

19th of March 2020
Did you ever consider a dream job, something you like or love doing and which you value? There isn't always a good wage for it but there is a place for it in the world. Like for example the things you can buy in a shop. Someone made them and the materials costed a lot and transport, storage, selling. Yet they are often worth buying if one needs such.

19th of April 2020
Maybe my gnome texts can answer to the question: how is sheltered life like music possible, where to find such peace, how to create it oneself? 

6th of October 2021   The text about Christmas gnome like life in the modern world became some 700 entries long plus blogs on links from there. So it ought to be an e-book or book.

25th of January 2023 Advertisement of Christmas gnome institute 

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Spring melodies 2020

Just an attempt, a not so musical day for me

Another subject, this time in the suburb:

13th of March 2020
A melody of an icy sand raod for walking, but the main attention of course was in not falling and in avoiding falling badly.

5th of April 2020  During the last two days it has part of the time rained snow or the like. Today sun was shining but outdoors a dog howled as if it had not caught the weather but instead depressed mood coming from children's school. So I composed these twi chords for it the experience the weather nicer, even though I was indoors.

Friday, February 28, 2020

What I am like

My parents and the town I lived in when I was younger are very academical, so I have a very strong tendency to rationality of the type of the thinking course I made, see . I am a very straightforward person with an interest in healthy natural ages old ways of living. I am not much social but I am good willing via the Finnish rule "Live and let otehrs live", see my blog . This leads via rational grounds to a very moral view to the world and to social life, see .

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Cooperating in European way * Eurovision? 2020 Finland

"A melody: peoples cooperating in European way
Thinking of peoples cooperating in Eiuropean ways, in harmony of individuals and cultures
Thinking of the Eurovision song contest brought this subject to my mind, aversion of singing in a choir.


26th of February 2020   I was thinking of åepåle living in harmony in a way that is reflected in singing in a choir, or learned from it, and thought of people from different continents singing, but I do not know what it affected that it was just a thought.
There are three parts in this: 10/4 theory, 8/4 practice and 8/4 ideals.
Was thinking of the harmony of the choir, not nedessarily of it's melody.Could it work out as chords accoimpment?

5th of March 2020 These three parts would beif I remember right: 1. rationally, 2. in practical chores, 3. ideals. I wrote also fourth part and it would be: 4. collecting these to living ordinarily. It is half-notes: E, A, F and C.

Tuesday 10th of March 2020   Finland's Eurovision song of 2020 was chosen last Saturday, I listened to it in the internet and it sounded quite much like this piece of mine, with the fourth part too, but of course it had words too and I do not know who composed it and how much similar it in fact was. My thought was that this piece is just a harmony, not the melody itself.

20th of March 2020
Here are the last notes too:

22th of March 2020   If I remember right, the beginning repeats the same because one starts to sing the harmony and another one obvserves "Aha such, I will sing something of the kind too", and so he/she is along but a little bit late in the beginning.
This is just some kind of harmony of a choir: something of rationality, of practical chores, of ideals that maybe brought them to Finland/Europe/watching Eurovision from tv. And then just collecting it to something ordinary but nice so that it is easier to live with.

Here is the npte without the repetition in the beginning:

A bird in a tree outside this apartment house I live in, asked for a similar harmony for birds, so I made thsi melody for them:

29th of June 2020   There are two versions of the first three themes, low and high (the second divided 2+2), which describe different sides of the phenomenom.
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11th of October 2020   This is a harmony from singing at least a few years ago in a group Christmas songs in a church, and seeing some of the other singers as a kind of picture of one singing on top or next to another, somewhat like a mosaic or a picture of old times by a gate countryside, and so finding a harmony that is reflected in how one sings, how the peoiple are next to each other in that harmony and that teaches them how to live in harmony. At the same time it is somewhat how this district I live in is compfortable and works well together in some way.

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25th of February 2021   If this melody of mine was last year's Finland's Eurovision song, that is very public, so maybe I ought to mention here my other texts. Especially since there has been an epidemy, I guess I ought to mention my blogs about curing: and in Finnish , since my name Tervola means roughly "healthy" and is said to teach one to be a skilled healer, and it seems that those blogs of mine about curing make it easier to get well quickly, so they are worth trying, but I do not any experience in curing, just in writing. I have also written teaching material to help in life otherwise, one could for example check the numerous links at . My most important text is my paradise theory which makes cyclic view on timepossible . Noteworthy are also my thinking course and my text about the future opf computers, see the first post at . Otherwise I have written mainly on subjects around the rationality of feelings.

28th of February 2022   The last part of the melody is somewhat Christmas like in it's fascination, so I guess it connects to my long long blog text about the Skills of Christmas gnomes .

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16.9.2022 isn't just the same

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Spring side of winter

It was only a little under 0C and cloudy but a feel of light. Here where I live birds sang and it was very beautiful view to the weather. But this I composedin the town center. It was a good weather for wandering outdoors. there is still for two weeks the danger of the coldest weathers of the year. Then it is early spring for sure.

Friday, February 7, 2020

About composing

A big composer is much like a beginner

As I have during the last year composed some tens of short melodies, only a few of then more than one row long, I have looked the task of composing from the point of view of a beginner. I have just liked music and dreamed of learning to compose, and so I have played the melodies in a songbook from the point of view of in which situation and in which way they were composed, what atmospohere was it,and so I have learned quite many things about composing. But my own tunes are more like first attempts: oh, like this one gets this kind of result. But I am not sure if composers can at all reach the prtofessional quality one expects from them, since if you take a work like attitude you ruin the atmosphere, you cannot compose a good piece then. And if you get a reputation that your view of something is like some first melody of yours or song, then you get such back to you from others, and so the thing becomes simple, less fascinating. On the other hand singers and sport practitioners have some wisdom of life in this direction, likewise some kind of civiliced wisdom and some religious kinds of things and nature ofcourse.

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2nd of August 2020   I do not know why but during the last months I haven't had space for composing and not for writing either, even though that has been my work for the last twenty years. And during the summer I haven't had peace for composing at all, and not even played every day like earlier I did. So I wonder if I did something wrong, choose something wrong. And one guess is that maybe many composers are quite beginners, maybe I am in some way a good composer anyway.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Weathers like Central European winter?

This year it has been unusuaööy warm and lately above zero so that almost all snow has melted. Lately also the mornings have been pitch black so that it has been difficult to believe how much the clock is. But I wonder if it is partly a question of having stopped composing while waiting for better winter weathers. And I wonder fi in central europe some winter days are like this. So I troed composing. But also my former pieces about winter are from quite near 0C so that they could fit Central Europe . I myself find the unusual darkness hard to bear since it brings an impression of being close to death, and I do not quite know why, unless it is people being afraid of a nuclear war.

2.2.2020   Now it is again snow and so everything is lighter and more enjoyable and healthy. But if in some more southern country there is a dark sky (low clouds?) in the winter time and otherwise dark, the problem maybe is in emphasizing the dark, paying too much attention to it. Instead one could pay attention to the quietrness of evening time, to sand under feet, to the parts of the environment which have a lighter colour, to the feeling of the weather: of moistness, warmth and coolness, of people passing by, of how far one has wondered and where one is going. And so the darkness would not feel so dark. Also if the daytime is nicer, darkness goes much easier if one just has lights and pleasant positive thinsg to do. About the Finnish late autumn and April .
" If there is something big wrong in the world, one often gains a quite serene place if one does not spend much time pondering about it and worrying but instead tries on one's own behalf to not to worsen the situation at all, whatever it is, and that means following civilized wisdom, living an ordinary life and doing positive things."

11th February 2020 If one needs to ponder about the above zero weather on winter time, in order to help more southern countries, the first that comes to mind that it is unusual and does not last long, and so one does not much think of it. But one could tune to it somewhat like toearly spring when the roads have melted and the rain is kind of intoxicating: spring is already here, it is kind of warm feeling compared to the icy November.
But for me dark time of the day this time of the year when one ought not have such, is too hard, makes me feel like as if my death were near. I do not know if it connects with insects fearing for their lives if snow melts and then comes ice etc. But I have noticed that if the sky is not dark, it is much easier, for example if it is daylight or sunset colours in the sky. But ink like black on the sky makes me lose some energetic ways which then reminds me of my death coming. The morning twilight or even darkness with streetliughts isn't so bad since the direction is all the time toward light.
One can tune to weathers by tuning one's heat regulation, for example stying warm or feeling the weather. If the weather is nice, feeling the weather is often noice and healöthy in spirit. If the werthar is not at all nice, one often needs to curl to warmth inside one's clothes and saty outdoors only for a short while, or the weather makes one feel as if crying, kind of lost too much energy and out of balance in heat regulation. One can approach a wetahr or a landscale like warm like this or like cold like this, kind of choose what one prefers, what kind of person one wants to be, wahat kind of result toget. One's company affects suhc a lot, somewhat also passr-bys.
One can also pick a description of the season, like spring side of winter, and tune to sunlight either as winter sunlight or early sporing soide sunlight. Similarly one can choose description sof weathers and lcothes suited to them, like if the ground is too wet, one can term it wet and choose rubber boots with woolen socks in them or water proof winter boots, and have it nicer so.

28.2.2020  "Just a monet ago it for the first time in my life came to my mind that
the British maybe do not like rainy weathers. I have written about the
seasons in Finland and in that there are some pieces also about
pleasant rain: some melodies and a part in the summer part and maybe
something in teh autumn part too, but I am not sure of that.
For finding a weather pleasant it helps to recognize what kind of
weather it is, kind of detailedly like in arts, and adjust some major
factors like heat production, clothes & shoes, how long one is
outdoors, how quickly one moves, what one does outdoors, what are the
things indoors in between which you are outdoors, how much one looks
at what and how much one uses the sense of beauty, and the sense of
atmospheres, in which ways one is social in that weaher, how much one
is separate from the weather and how much along it for example feeling
it suiting one's character, what ways of living, moods and who enjoy
each weather, for example slight rain with sun shining, and how long
that experience lasts for them and is it a part of the fascination of
the area they live in. And so find the option in each that is good for
the weather in question for you and for your day today anbd it's
social relationships who too each have their weather skills and

5th of May 2020   I planned to compose summer tunes next summer, but I seem to get poor influences from somewhere, maybe from other composers that someone admires, and so it seems impossible to compose those summer tunes. I have been feeling quite dizzy, but when I figured this out, I felt as if the sky were clearing and my senses opening. So maybe it really is so, but I do not yet know for sure. I have quite liked the summers, so I could help others for shom it is difficult to catch the tune of a good summer. But on the other hand my apartment has typically been too hot during the July, so maybe it just isn't a good i dea for me to compose summer melodies. But on the other hand, what then could I compose? Is my "career" as a composer over already?


27th of October 2020   I wonder since today and maybe yesterday the pavement looked especially black, which reminded me of something wrong somewhere in the wolrd, like the destructiob of an atom bomb especially. But even thinking of my old hometown Helsinki having been bombed didn't seem to cause such picture, so could it be something else, foir example cultural influencies being tuned in some sdifferent way than before? Or can it be that ow that it is 2020, it is the beginning of a thousand years and one ought to have some good views of how to live them, maybe one does not have enough of thenm. 

In what comes to num´bers, there is especially the number 2. 

humans and nature, nature uncluding humans and the man-made artificialities, the living kind and computers, humand and animals, rationality and feelings, ...  

The fact that  it is in fact 2000 and not just 2, means that these ought to be complex well thought of wholes And one ought to have good observational capacity, like is typical with the sense of sight and moving in the landscape, often together with the sense of atmospheres and wisdom of life & civiliced wisdom. This means that it is possible to observe the phenomena together with their enviornment and uuse pictures of the whoke in thinking. My thinking course could be useful in this . About complex wholes see also .

29th of October 2020   Also influencies from other composers, especially from those of old times, brings some feeling of a lack of luck, like for example war time or the like. Maybe those composers of the old times were asked to solve world's problems. I have troed to solve world's problems by writing and not by composing. For social tangle you could try . My gnome skills text has lots of links that might be useful too, see .

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Lyrics attempt

Yesterday I tried to make lyrics to my piece, but it did not succeed so well and it is in Finnish:

I wondere if it could offer help in mourning an atom bomb, since the nature is often wise andhealthy, but anyway it is for cold climatyes only, because one needs to be familiar with the weather and it was snow melting from tree branches plus fog.

"Under the old pines wander in pair row sioldiers disappearing tyo fog. Now already gone." The last part is different ins tyle and not so exåpressive, so that one could just leave it away.

Here is it with the English lyrics:

12th of January 2020
This first "song" (melody + lyrics) of mine made me feel both ways. On the other hand I am proud of having produced such On the other hand what the melody and words come from is what the weather and trees were like and what kind of impression they gave, and only a little bit is my own view of how to approach it. So I do not understand why the song would be mine if it isn't my typical subject or typical thoughts, typucal state of mind. But on the other hand i have written a lot and in that too the subject determines a lot, so maybe likewise one cannot make a song of any subject whatsoever one happens to be interested in, but instead needs to listent o the likings and interests f others too. Like, I feel that this piece could bring some fracrturelessness to where it is much needed in the world.

24th January 2020   "Of learning from the nature, please read this:
"I am not sure of this, but my impression is that each weather, also in widely different climates, is best lived in a way which you find when you pay central attention to some fine whole of the nature, like an atmospheric branch in nature, that is especially spirited in it's view of how to live such wetaher and to which heights one's wisdom of life, skill, virtues of character and enjoyment of life could so rise,for example on some animal of the wilderness, and from siuch viewpoint pay attention to it's view on the ways of living: that is what is the way of living such wetahers and such temperatures, maybe such days, evenings, nights & mornings. Follow that advice and search for a new advice when the weather is clearly different."" "

26th of January 2020   Pople can learn this way of learning from trees if TV weather report has (sometimes?) such pictures of trees etc when they tell of such weathers. And likewise in other things if there are good pictures of such in documentaries telling about the same things.

16.2.2020   For Finns watching nature often helps to handle feelings, but Finns have a tradition connected with nature and the Finnish weathers need nature as a suport in living them. But I guess that for mourning an atom bomb watching nature could help. But with peopler as forefigures it is often so that many wish for position and do not care so much about having actually all the skills and cvirtues needed, and so such persons as forefigures often causes problems because they are not as virtuous as they are advertised to be. Healthy natural life with some kind of sports or physical activity is often what makes one feel well, but thinking overly much questions of the world that one cannot handle normally isn't for good at all, since it can be too thoughtkess and enemy like.

6th of March 2020   Please observe that this piece of music has been composed about the weather and trees, without thinking of atom bombs at all, but thinking of the magnifient atmosphere and pf the challenge of the weather anmd somewhat comparing to younr men in the military service and the tale like view of the words. It is just that people need ways to think of atom bombs, so when the trees seemed to have such wisdom too, at least slightly, I mentioned that too but did not think it suiting other climates or very different cultures, even though I thought that they too could learn from their own trees and weathers.

17th of March 2020   This melody is about a winter weather and so one cannot use it at all in the summer half of the year, and not on all winter weathers either, since it is too much different way of living the weathers.

18th of March 2020   A more far fetched theory of how to avoid and in theory cancel large scale catastrophes liike the destruction caused by an atom bomb, based on synchronizing lives after death

18th of January 2021   Weathers turned a year ago around the time when I first posted these lyrics, to untypical and nasty and life felt tough. Such does not usually happen when I do something, since I have good quyality, wisdomn of life, healthy spirit and good will in the world at large. But such often happens when someone else is thought to be like me or me their level, since they do not have the same strenghts and not always the good will and common sense either. So I guess that one ought not consider this melody or song of mine so much alike those of others, for example not as military music. The melody itself is from December 2019, from my winter melodies, a weather quite typical to Helsinki just under Christmas.

Happily social