Monday, May 20, 2019

Bird's view on bird song

I happen to live in an apartment house's inner yard side which has trees there by the house and singing birds in the trees. And so I have learned something more of what birds are like and how to communicate with birds. Some time ago, this spring, I was on the nearby bus stop and birds sang there too. I was wondering how a bird thinks of it's song, when a singing bird near by seemed to say that a bird does not sing, the tune of it's song is the general atmosphere of birds' life, of that species it is. Like melancholic well running daily life produces a melodical downward melody. Today I was pondering of the subject and thought that an upward ending of another species with similar song is quite the same but with ahopeful attitude and enjoyment of the greenery, of town miljö or the like. And the titityy of tit could be trying to live on that wisdom/idea and then at another good guess, so it produces just two notes at different pitches but quite expressive of living the spring.
Another impression is that birds and other animals in addition talk like humans, sometimes even the same language but in very funny, clumsy young expressive, peculiar individualistic and/or quick way with a different type of pronouciation, wording and view of what to say at the same time, like one person talking on top of the other and younger generation picking them all to one's expression.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Links to my other texts

I do not quite know why, but I have tended to recommend my text about gnome like life in the modern world, about doing things in ways with good spirit .

Singing the atmosphere of the moment

Learn a singing experience of life via healthy natural ages old ways of living and doing, very many advices in the skills of living

Harmonical choir with a beautiful touching sound

Learn to play piano, keyboard or accordeon

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Reaching for Harmony

It is quite early evening on the day Eurovision Song Contest in Israel begins, it is in tv starting klo22 but I have not yet decided if I watch it. I have the feeling that this year it could bring bad luck.
But anyway I tried to compose a melody, even a song about harmony in the society but it turned out to be just a too short piece.
I was thinking of something along the lines of "Live and let others live" 

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5th of July 2019   Another piece:

30th of June 2022   I have now lived for over a year in Espoo and walked to the near by shopping mall. On the way back there has a couple of times been quite many different kinds of individuals who seem to say they are from Eritrea in Africa and some of them seem to say they would like to have this melody (Reaching for a good future in the society) as their National song. But it is a very far away country, a very different climate and diffwrent culture: does it fit there or is it annoyingly foreign? I would guess that for a song from a so distant country a place in a valued songbook would be better suited. But of course the song is aimed to make the society a better place to live in, and to affect fairly for better in the wide world too. 

I might add here the text Easy quick school for animals E11. at my text Skills of Christmas gnomes 

More than money, i would like to be left in peace. 

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Laulujen muuntumisesta vuodenajan mukaan

perjantai 26. huhtikuuta 2019

Laulujen muuntumisesta vuodenajan mukaan

Lainasin kirjastosta nyt huhtikuussa laulukirjan ja katselin nuotteja, niin olivat ainakin ekat kovin huhtikuumaisia ja en voinut olla ajattelematta, että onko laulukirjoja eri versioita tai eri laulukirjoja eri vuodenajoille, mutta voihan se olla, että huhtikuumainen alku nostaa perustason kyllin korkealle muilel lauluille. Mulla oli parikymppisenä jusdt vanhempien luoto pois muutettua useampi kämppis ja niistä yksi laulaja ja hän sanoi, että lauluja tehdään kovin monta eri versiota eri tarkoituksiin - niin että varmaankin on vuodenaikaversiot myös. Jos laulun säveltäjä säveltää oman elämänsä tunnelmaa, virettä, niin se joillakin voi olla aina aika lailla sama, kun on sama elämäntapa kerran ja vakiintuneet kuviot,niin syntyisikö silloin heille sama laulu aina mutta eri vuodenajan versioina? Mutta säveltämisen tapoja on monia, ei tämä ole paras.

Sewing clothes with your dreams guiding you

perjantai 12. huhtikuuta 2019

Sewing clothes with your dreams guiding you


I translate this a second time, this time for a cold climate of fourseasons, where eyesight is all the time used a lot and with the sense of atmospheres in it and with lots of rationality and civilized wisdom carried along all the time in everything, with freedom emphatized a lot and people do not keep company to others all the time
The former tsranslation to tropics pays attention to foggy clumsy ways of perceiving things

Sewing clothes without formulae, just your dreams guiding you, an easy advice that brings you all the way to your dreams
I am not so skilled in sewing but in this I seem to have caught the idea.
So, when I have wanted to sew a cloth for myself, I have taken as a starting point an old cloth of similar shape or my old understanding about skirts or the like.
I have thought what style of cloth I want, and chosen the fabric(s) according to it. Then when I have the fabric washed and dried, I have based on it's colours, figures and feel searched for a suitable impression, both ahsentmindedly staring at the fabrics and shortly in front of the mirror searching for right kind of impressions.
So I have found out what the new cloth would be compared to the old one, for example more loose or more according to body forms. From the old cloth I get the shape and measures, to which I have added looseness or more according to body forms and changed the lenghts in ways which I measure with measures that are easy to understand on the level of experience: hand width with fongers spread, pald width, two fingers' width, half a finger's width, or the like, and not in centimeters or inches, and so I have understood better all the time, what I do and why, and have not been able to mix the measures to other measures, and the experienced measures have been a support to my idea of the whole instead of being a mess of inches and needed to be measured again and again.
Then I have cut the pieces while leaving room for the spare part next to the sewing line (for the fabric not to untie) and sewn the basic lines of the cloth. Then I have tried it on in front of the mirror, and tried by moving the fabric find the right form for the details, and when it at some moment has been of a nice atmosphere, I have fixed the position and place of the cloth there and by finger widths or by grasping with fingers or even by sewing with a needle left the style like it is nice, and sewn then so.

* * *
(Here the experienced measures are important because they are on the same language as dreams of what kind of cloth one would like to sew, and so the measure does not distueb one's image in mind of what kind of line and what kind of atmosphere in it one would like to sew, and what would be a nice way for the fabric to hang. So one does not produce clumsy dizzy sewing in the atmosphere of "I dpo not know", but instead the dream guides the practical choices in sewing, in which it is clear to see what one already can and what is there left to learn, and I guess that the new things to learn get solved in the same kind of approach as the old successful ones via this method. So dreaming is here a practical prequisite for conceiving cloth's looks, shape, feel, atmosphere and it's practical features, and so the dream is an advice for sewing like the formulae used to be earlier.
Finding the proportions of measures and shape gets easier via comparing to an old cloth, of which you see what it is like when you wear it and what alteration you should make to that (for example because the differewnt fabric brings a different style) and from it you get the formulae to the pieces of fabric, when you take the variations into account.)

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More about sewing and sewing a skirt, in this blog
Sewing a winter hat from knitted fabric: number 107. at

I translated this thinking for Malaysian readers (tropics), but me myself amfrom Finland in northern Europe which is almost arctic climate. The main emphazis here in the translation has been to describe to a beginner how a feeling produces a detailedly seen structure, a in certain ways curved line of the cloth. This is a climate dependent skill, as far as I know.

"In English, anot so good translation:

Learn to sew clothes without formulae, just your dreams guiding you, an easy lesson

I am not skilled in sewing but in this I seem to have caught the idea.
So when I have wanted to sew a cloth for myself, I have taken as a starting point soem other cloth that I have, or then my old skills about skirts or the like.
I have thought what style of cloth I want and chosen the fabric(s) according to my dream. Then when I have washed and dried the fabric, I have searched for right impressions based on it's colours, patterns of the fabric and the feel of the fabric, and also absentmindedly shortly in front of the mirrow searching for the right impressions of what I would like to sew from the fabric.
So I have gotten to know what the new cloth would be compared to old one's form and size, for example more loose or more aclong the body forms. From the old cloth I get the basic form and measured lenghts, to which I add more loose or more along the body forms with measures that I can clearly understand at the levcel of experience: handwidth with fingers spread, palm width, two fingers' width, half of finger's width or the like, and not centimeters or inches, and so I have all the time understood better what I am doing and why and what my dream is both ias the end result and in the forms of the fabric, and I haven't been forced to measure again and again at a mess of centimeters without idea of the form of the fabric I intend to sew.
Then I have cut the fabric while leaving room for the spare part next to the sewing lines, and sewn the basic forms. Then I tried it on in front of the mirrow and by moving the fabric slightly tried to find the exact for for the details, and when it at some moment has been of nice atmosphere I have fixed it there either by fingerwidth measures, grasping with hand oreven by sewing it with aneedle and threadm so I have gotten the style like is nice aand sewn it exactly so.

(Here those experienced mneasures are important because they are on the same language as dreams about what kind of cloth to sew. And so the measure does not disturb one's idea of what kind of spirit the line I sew ought to have and how the fabric would settle nicely. So you don't get only rought lines with "I don't know" atmoshphere, but instead with your dream guiding your practical choises, so that you noptice clearly what you know well already and what is still left to learn, and the new points to solve seem to get solved by same kind of way of thinking as the old succesfull ones, and so you lear new things each time and know the old well. Or so wwa my idea in figuring out this piece of advice. Dreaming is in this a practical prequisite for getting to know the cloth's looks, feeling, atmosphere and practical points, like the formulae earlier was to you.
Getting the sizes right and the shape right gets easier via the old cloth to compare with, from which you can see what it is like when you wear it and what kinds of changes you ought to do to it, for example because the feel of the fabric is different and so the style too, and so you get kind of fformulae for the pieces of fabric when you take the variations into account.)"

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14. March 2019   It is ok to spread, copy and even publish in a morally ok way this text of mine, and also to translate.

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12. April 2019   I was in the fabric shop Eurokangas today here in Savonlinna, Finland, and came to try to be a model of learning sewing for some customer, and even though I haven't sewed lately, only planned to, I came to afterwards try to compose a piece of music abouyt learning sewing according to one's dreams, but I have this far composed only much shorter pieces, so this one was maybe too much for my skills now, but you can see my short pieces at my text about living wisely the four seasons in it's spring part, whose short melodies are from this spring 2019.
Here the piece of music has three parts:
1. choosing the goals and fabrics,
2. choosing practical sewing lines and other details of work, and
3. about the way of sewing, the way of working and something about managing social relationships during that

This music score of mine is shareware.I guess that it can give some idea of these skills, with the emphazis in composing having been to avoid typical problems in sewing, but I haven't had experience of composing this way and not composing this long pieces either, so I somewhere got mixed in the notes and lost the idea and yet it too is in the end result."

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5min kevätlaihdutuskuuri

keskiviikko 20. maaliskuuta 2019

5min kevätlaihdutuskuuri

Yritin kertoa 5 minuutin laihdutuskuurini sävelin:


Getting thinner quick (5 min), easily and comfortably

"Getting thinner quick and easily, comfortably

If your emotional ideal weight is thinner than your present weight. And if the season is such that one uses quite lot of food. But you don't need even all present fat to bear the weather. Then you copuld get somewhat thinner quick, for example in five minutes and then would your diet already be over for the time being. And in so doing you would feel somewhat like one who has eaten oily food or bakery.

So: You can pay attention to your emotional iudeal weight, which needs to be honestly estimated, you real goal. And so you can then take such weight as your identity, that means somewhat smaller body and a body form & size according to your character. The fat that is over this, especially ones feeling cumbersome or not so good, you can let to melt away, and to come near the stomach as an effect like buttery food, which replace some of the fat of some near future meal but not it's nutritients.
So you still need healthy meals.

 I do notr know how well one gets thinner with this but it appears that at least somewhat if the smaller body size is left as one's identity, a more satisfied picture of oneself. Somehow I would suppose that in teh human nature there is some natural weight control mechanism like this."

translated from my Finnish blog about getting thinner in comfortable or nice ways

About living wisely the weathers

1. emotional ideal weight, 2. extra fat, 3. melt away, and 4. (two last notes) come as bakery like feeling to near the stomach


26. maaliskuuta 2019
Tein tollasen säövellysyritelmän, omasta tunteenoamisesta oman luonteenlaadun mukaisesta, sitöä kuvastavasta, ideaalikropasta, siis luonnollisimmasta ulkonäöstään. Ei saa käyttä jatkluvana, mieluiten ei useinkaan, vaan korkeintaan 1-5 min per päivä tai jos vaikka muutamana pivänä miettii sitä useamman kerran, niin sitten olisi pari kolme kuukautta kokonaan käyttämättä sitä, jotteir yhti, asenne yms mene luonnottomammaksi, ja siis kroppalihavuutta paljon enemmän kaipaavaksi, meininki kireäksi ei-onnelliseksi yms, ihminen siis epäviisaaksi.