Saturday, January 11, 2020

Lyrics attempt

Yesterday I tried to make lyrics to my piece, but it did not succeed so well and it is in Finnish:

I wondere if it could offer help in mourning an atom bomb, since the nature is often wise andhealthy, but anyway it is for cold climatyes only, because one needs to be familiar with the weather and it was snow melting from tree branches plus fog.

"Under the old pines wander in pair row sioldiers disappearing tyo fog. Now already gone." The last part is different ins tyle and not so exåpressive, so that one could just leave it away.

Here is it with the English lyrics:

12th of January 2020
This first "song" (melody + lyrics) of mine made me feel both ways. On the other hand I am proud of having produced such On the other hand what the melody and words come from is what the weather and trees were like and what kind of impression they gave, and only a little bit is my own view of how to approach it. So I do not understand why the song would be mine if it isn't my typical subject or typical thoughts, typucal state of mind. But on the other hand i have written a lot and in that too the subject determines a lot, so maybe likewise one cannot make a song of any subject whatsoever one happens to be interested in, but instead needs to listent o the likings and interests f others too. Like, I feel that this piece could bring some fracrturelessness to where it is much needed in the world.

24th January 2020   "Of learning from the nature, please read this:
"I am not sure of this, but my impression is that each weather, also in widely different climates, is best lived in a way which you find when you pay central attention to some fine whole of the nature, like an atmospheric branch in nature, that is especially spirited in it's view of how to live such wetaher and to which heights one's wisdom of life, skill, virtues of character and enjoyment of life could so rise,for example on some animal of the wilderness, and from siuch viewpoint pay attention to it's view on the ways of living: that is what is the way of living such wetahers and such temperatures, maybe such days, evenings, nights & mornings. Follow that advice and search for a new advice when the weather is clearly different."" "

26th of January 2020   Pople can learn this way of learning from trees if TV weather report has (sometimes?) such pictures of trees etc when they tell of such weathers. And likewise in other things if there are good pictures of such in documentaries telling about the same things.

16.2.2020   For Finns watching nature often helps to handle feelings, but Finns have a tradition connected with nature and the Finnish weathers need nature as a suport in living them. But I guess that for mourning an atom bomb watching nature could help. But with peopler as forefigures it is often so that many wish for position and do not care so much about having actually all the skills and cvirtues needed, and so such persons as forefigures often causes problems because they are not as virtuous as they are advertised to be. Healthy natural life with some kind of sports or physical activity is often what makes one feel well, but thinking overly much questions of the world that one cannot handle normally isn't for good at all, since it can be too thoughtkess and enemy like.

6th of March 2020   Please observe that this piece of music has been composed about the weather and trees, without thinking of atom bombs at all, but thinking of the magnifient atmosphere and pf the challenge of the weather anmd somewhat comparing to younr men in the military service and the tale like view of the words. It is just that people need ways to think of atom bombs, so when the trees seemed to have such wisdom too, at least slightly, I mentioned that too but did not think it suiting other climates or very different cultures, even though I thought that they too could learn from their own trees and weathers.

17th of March 2020   This melody is about a winter weather and so one cannot use it at all in the summer half of the year, and not on all winter weathers either, since it is too much different way of living the weathers.

18th of March 2020   A more far fetched theory of how to avoid and in theory cancel large scale catastrophes liike the destruction caused by an atom bomb, based on synchronizing lives after death

18th of January 2021   Weathers turned a year ago around the time when I first posted these lyrics, to untypical and nasty and life felt tough. Such does not usually happen when I do something, since I have good quyality, wisdomn of life, healthy spirit and good will in the world at large. But such often happens when someone else is thought to be like me or me their level, since they do not have the same strenghts and not always the good will and common sense either. So I guess that one ought not consider this melody or song of mine so much alike those of others, for example not as military music. The melody itself is from December 2019, from my winter melodies, a weather quite typical to Helsinki just under Christmas.

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