Sunday, January 19, 2020

Weathers like Central European winter?

This year it has been unusuaööy warm and lately above zero so that almost all snow has melted. Lately also the mornings have been pitch black so that it has been difficult to believe how much the clock is. But I wonder if it is partly a question of having stopped composing while waiting for better winter weathers. And I wonder fi in central europe some winter days are like this. So I troed composing. But also my former pieces about winter are from quite near 0C so that they could fit Central Europe . I myself find the unusual darkness hard to bear since it brings an impression of being close to death, and I do not quite know why, unless it is people being afraid of a nuclear war.

2.2.2020   Now it is again snow and so everything is lighter and more enjoyable and healthy. But if in some more southern country there is a dark sky (low clouds?) in the winter time and otherwise dark, the problem maybe is in emphasizing the dark, paying too much attention to it. Instead one could pay attention to the quietrness of evening time, to sand under feet, to the parts of the environment which have a lighter colour, to the feeling of the weather: of moistness, warmth and coolness, of people passing by, of how far one has wondered and where one is going. And so the darkness would not feel so dark. Also if the daytime is nicer, darkness goes much easier if one just has lights and pleasant positive thinsg to do. About the Finnish late autumn and April .
" If there is something big wrong in the world, one often gains a quite serene place if one does not spend much time pondering about it and worrying but instead tries on one's own behalf to not to worsen the situation at all, whatever it is, and that means following civilized wisdom, living an ordinary life and doing positive things."

11th February 2020 If one needs to ponder about the above zero weather on winter time, in order to help more southern countries, the first that comes to mind that it is unusual and does not last long, and so one does not much think of it. But one could tune to it somewhat like toearly spring when the roads have melted and the rain is kind of intoxicating: spring is already here, it is kind of warm feeling compared to the icy November.
But for me dark time of the day this time of the year when one ought not have such, is too hard, makes me feel like as if my death were near. I do not know if it connects with insects fearing for their lives if snow melts and then comes ice etc. But I have noticed that if the sky is not dark, it is much easier, for example if it is daylight or sunset colours in the sky. But ink like black on the sky makes me lose some energetic ways which then reminds me of my death coming. The morning twilight or even darkness with streetliughts isn't so bad since the direction is all the time toward light.
One can tune to weathers by tuning one's heat regulation, for example stying warm or feeling the weather. If the weather is nice, feeling the weather is often noice and healöthy in spirit. If the werthar is not at all nice, one often needs to curl to warmth inside one's clothes and saty outdoors only for a short while, or the weather makes one feel as if crying, kind of lost too much energy and out of balance in heat regulation. One can approach a wetahr or a landscale like warm like this or like cold like this, kind of choose what one prefers, what kind of person one wants to be, wahat kind of result toget. One's company affects suhc a lot, somewhat also passr-bys.
One can also pick a description of the season, like spring side of winter, and tune to sunlight either as winter sunlight or early sporing soide sunlight. Similarly one can choose description sof weathers and lcothes suited to them, like if the ground is too wet, one can term it wet and choose rubber boots with woolen socks in them or water proof winter boots, and have it nicer so.

28.2.2020  "Just a monet ago it for the first time in my life came to my mind that
the British maybe do not like rainy weathers. I have written about the
seasons in Finland and in that there are some pieces also about
pleasant rain: some melodies and a part in the summer part and maybe
something in teh autumn part too, but I am not sure of that.
For finding a weather pleasant it helps to recognize what kind of
weather it is, kind of detailedly like in arts, and adjust some major
factors like heat production, clothes & shoes, how long one is
outdoors, how quickly one moves, what one does outdoors, what are the
things indoors in between which you are outdoors, how much one looks
at what and how much one uses the sense of beauty, and the sense of
atmospheres, in which ways one is social in that weaher, how much one
is separate from the weather and how much along it for example feeling
it suiting one's character, what ways of living, moods and who enjoy
each weather, for example slight rain with sun shining, and how long
that experience lasts for them and is it a part of the fascination of
the area they live in. And so find the option in each that is good for
the weather in question for you and for your day today anbd it's
social relationships who too each have their weather skills and

5th of May 2020   I planned to compose summer tunes next summer, but I seem to get poor influences from somewhere, maybe from other composers that someone admires, and so it seems impossible to compose those summer tunes. I have been feeling quite dizzy, but when I figured this out, I felt as if the sky were clearing and my senses opening. So maybe it really is so, but I do not yet know for sure. I have quite liked the summers, so I could help others for shom it is difficult to catch the tune of a good summer. But on the other hand my apartment has typically been too hot during the July, so maybe it just isn't a good i dea for me to compose summer melodies. But on the other hand, what then could I compose? Is my "career" as a composer over already?


27th of October 2020   I wonder since today and maybe yesterday the pavement looked especially black, which reminded me of something wrong somewhere in the wolrd, like the destructiob of an atom bomb especially. But even thinking of my old hometown Helsinki having been bombed didn't seem to cause such picture, so could it be something else, foir example cultural influencies being tuned in some sdifferent way than before? Or can it be that ow that it is 2020, it is the beginning of a thousand years and one ought to have some good views of how to live them, maybe one does not have enough of thenm. 

In what comes to num´bers, there is especially the number 2. 

humans and nature, nature uncluding humans and the man-made artificialities, the living kind and computers, humand and animals, rationality and feelings, ...  

The fact that  it is in fact 2000 and not just 2, means that these ought to be complex well thought of wholes And one ought to have good observational capacity, like is typical with the sense of sight and moving in the landscape, often together with the sense of atmospheres and wisdom of life & civiliced wisdom. This means that it is possible to observe the phenomena together with their enviornment and uuse pictures of the whoke in thinking. My thinking course could be useful in this . About complex wholes see also .

29th of October 2020   Also influencies from other composers, especially from those of old times, brings some feeling of a lack of luck, like for example war time or the like. Maybe those composers of the old times were asked to solve world's problems. I have troed to solve world's problems by writing and not by composing. For social tangle you could try . My gnome skills text has lots of links that might be useful too, see .

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