Thursday, December 28, 2023

Natural mood in tropics

 Like in my advices about giving birth, see , I have the conviction that so hot that one is relaxed slumber like unmoving and flat like an object isn't wise, instead of finding the body temperature where movements are sensitevely according to feelings and one's best understanding, life enjoyable and wise. From lne's experience of lufe and of sports and moving, one could find such a body temperature, and try my advice W9. at for cooling also in warmer temperatures, so that one could read a sensitive enjoyably alive feeling varied wsy of moving with wisdom of life, and tgat would maybe be somethkng lije the palm trees or some i.oression of the nature around there. And so one maybe could notice the temperature, wind and moisture variations etc and learn to tune one's ways of living accordingly, in varied ways. 


W9.   As far as I understand body heat regulation and other bodily regulation and wisdom about states of mknd and of feelings, works best if one has natural kind of sporty and musical muscle tone and postures gotten some view of nsturality from how plants' branches grow toward light, toward better life. Then one can for examole according to the situation tune the thus naturally kept parts of the body toward heating or cooling, do so by paying attention to temoeratures and needs of warmth or cooling, and kind ofcreligiously musically wish and inform those naturally wise parts of the body that they should cool or warm. "


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