I moved a week ago from Savonlinna to Espoo. We here live very much in town, but my poodle had as young puppies with a wolf in Savonlinna, Pihlajaniemi. So as he some days ago wanted me to make a children's book like he instructed - it was early morning and I guess he half dreamed it - and I wrote about it to his blog http://villakoiraBanjo.blogspot.com . Today morning some 20 to seven I saw a dark figure like a large dog with quite thick tale run in an angle across the street here where it is mainly houses and some trees, and my poodle Banjo said it was a wolf, and I guess that it was interet´sted in the children's book of my poodle Banjo. Banjo has a tendency to such hobbies, so his animal friends might have such hobbies too. Later I tried to compose about the wolf, my poodle wished so. But I have computer problems, so here is the melody in letters:
D (1/8 note), D&F (half note), G (1/4), A (1/2), E (1/4), D (1/2), E&G (1/2), A (1/8), G (1/2), E (1/8), D (1/4) and E&G (1/2).
This is in town in Postipuuntie in Puustellinmäki near Leppävaara railway station in eastern Espoo. Sp this is not a countryside road at all.
9.2.2021 I managed to load the picture of the note to computer:
( 20.2.2021 I tried to follow the tv program where Finland's Eurovision song was chosen, but I had computer problems. So later I managed to listen to the chosen song by Blind Channel from Oulu. It was called Dark side, and it sounded somewhat like a quite small companion dog, a big black dog and maybe this melody of mine about a wolf in Postipuuntie in Espoo in southern Finland. )
22.2.2021 When I saw the wolf, it was like twilight time. I guess that it was so early that it was still dark but there were streetlights. The wolf looked quite dark but not black, so I guess that it was grey. In the darkest time in the beginning of winter the daylight time plus twilight times were together in Savonlinna some six hours, while in the Midsummer the night is so light that one can see the colours, and it lasts only some 3 or 4 hours there. So north are we. Here it is quite much the same but not exactly as much varied daylenght time lenght, since here we are some 200 km souther.
I wrote about the wolf also to my long text "Skills of Christmas gnomes" learntalents.blogspot.com G27. and G44., maybe G45. too. I wonder if that has interested readers.
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I wrote to my last year's Eurovision melody's blog post:
"25th of February 2021 If this melody of mine was last year's Finland's
Eurovision song, that is very public, so maybe I ought to mention here
my other texts. Especially since there has been an epidemy, I guess I
ought to mention my blogs about curing: https://curingguesses.blogspot.com/2018/12/index-with-cure-suggestions-after-word.html and in Finnish parantamisesta.blogspot.com
, since my name Tervola means roughly "healthy" and is said to teach
one to be a skilled healer, and it seems that those blogs of mine about
curing make it easier to get well quickly, so they are worth trying, but
I do not any experience in curing, just in writing. I have also written
teaching material to help in life otherwise, one could for example
check the numerous links at learntalents.blogspot.com . My most important text is my paradise theory which makes cyclic view on timepossible 2013paradise.blogspot.com . Noteworthy are also my thinking course quickerlearning.blogspot.com and my text about the future opf computers, see the first post at feelingcomputers.blogspot.com . Otherwise I have written mainly on subjects around the rationality of feelings."
7th of March 2021 This Wolf melodia was at Postipuuntie = "post tree street" in Espoo.
Here the view from teh same window one moth later, but the spring has
alreadys tarted, so the snow has largely melted and only during the last
days it has rained some snow again. When I saw the wolf it was dark but
there were street lights. The building at the left on the other side of
the street is Kinderkarten and next to it is school of the lowest
classes. The supposed wolf galloped slowly at a tilted angle from the
left to the other side of the street and seeméd to jump over piles of
snow or to them at the other side of the street bed´hind cars. It semed
interested in teaching the younger generation of humans some civiliced
wisdom for life.
19.3.2021 So the wolf melody is just my notes I marked up how the wau the wolf lived sang. I made the melofy right after deeing thexwolf. O thought I could maybe remember so better what the wolf was like when it crosded the street. So it is not my view of wolves, but instead some melody of the wolf himself. And I did nit plan ut for Eurovision, but onstead just sdded ut to my bligs. It is about a wolf in an environment that is not good for him, an environment of houses, streets and cars, much dominated by humans.
20thof March 2021 The wolf seemed outside it's living environment. It seemed go think thst all of it's living environment should be untouched nature, without any manmade things, and so the streets, houses, cars etc made a kind of kkrraahh like sound, appeared harsh for it and it thought that there were only fractions of the nature remaining in there being snow and trees. So it is quite unlikely that wolves would pften move in town areas.
21st of March 2021 From my long text about the skills of Christmas gnomes http://learntalents.blogspot.com
" H25. When I moved to Postipuuntie in Espoo, it was winter and cold
and lots of snow. Near by there is a big stream or a very small river,
and ut was very beautiful as snowy, but I did not photograpf it since
such a place was new to me, I did not know such nature and so I couldn't
have gotten it right. Byt anyway, when there was a fuss about my wolf
melody, the snowy dtream brought to my mind pictures of wolves in the
nature, and at home I made this melody, but zi did not get the lenghts
of the notes to it.
A D F E G A D F# G H A D F# upperC H D F#

That was composed 2nd of March 2021, but the note löenghts lacking.
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5th of May 2021 A wolf has keen eyes and a landscape like view of the environment. It observes thecstructures of nature and that is a complex wise view, so that the straight lines and big square forms of the streets and houses offer too little wisdom much too little understanding and so it is kind of scary environment in it's unwiseness, much like scjool math give less understanding than history geography and the subjects communicated by languages, and the seen structures of drawing and painting and the wisdom of life of music.
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10th of May 2021 I do not know which genre my wolf melodies belong to. I would guess that not to metal music, even though the Eurovision song was of a heavy metal band. My melofy Wolf in town resembles traditional American indian music about wolves. Of the other one I do not know. It brings to my mind some American paintings of wolves.
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11th of May 2021 I watched a oiece of some video of the Eurovision band, but the melody sounded different, so either it is a collection of melodies from different sources, or then it is just a different melody not my wolf melody I mean.
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19th of May 2021 The wolf melody is how the wolf I saw sang, it's body and state of mind sang. So it is not my composition, not my view, but instead some glimpse of the life of a wolf. In that it is different from most of my melodies which are from my own life singing from my actions singibg. But the eurovision song attempt last year was also of the lives of others sibgibg so such either isn't fully my own view.
5th of September 2021 The wolf melodies are different from my other melodies, since thry describe how I saw a wolf slowly galloping or a spirit guide. My other melodies describe my own view to the world, tge wisdom of life that I want to communicate. So the other melodies describe my own wisdom, while the wolf melodies describe wolf's view, not mine.
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16.9.2022 isn't the same