Monday, December 16, 2019

Solving environmental rpoblems, an advice in a melody form some 200 answers to environmental questions this way, but in Finnish.

I am not sure if the two first lower C's ought to be #C's or just C's, but the third lower C I guess to be #C and the #F and upper #C's are surely right.

3 first notes: gathering a good aporoach especially to what comes to feelings and choice of solutions.
C and GC the environmental problem or question objectuively.
Upper-#CA an ideal that handles also that area of life, an ideal that could offer solutions, is promising as such.
Three shorter notes, thinking of the ideals, of the solutions they typicall bring and do they bring anything to this question here.
GC practical version of such solition with healthy spirit and schooled thinking.
upper#CA the ideal as it works out here.
GE#C A well working application of the solution with schooled objectivity and healthy spirit, healthy ways of living.

17.12.2019   Instead of just ideals you can try also higher skill levels and things benefical for high skill.

21.1.2020   Yesterday I composed this piece. It is more like description of action than the theoretical description of the previous melody about solving environmentak problems.

15th of February 2020
This I composed yesterway but I feel that it did not succeed so well. Maybe it was wrong thing to attempt.

Friday, December 13, 2019

An attemopt at a kind of love song

21.1.2020   Could this work as mobile phone's ring tone? Would people for example in North Korea like it? I am from Finland,don't know foreign cultures so well. Was thinking of fixing love songs so that one would get along well, kind of happy life for oneself and liking the other and then again making sure that one has happy life so that one does not get tired and into argunments but instead has energy,g ood will and a good mood.

19.3.2021   To be clesr, I made this melofy to help Finns  not thinking of foreigners  but afterwards I came to think that it might suit foreigners too

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Winter (heat production & staying warm also otherwise)

(These winter melodies about the wetaher have been composed outdoors and their main aim is to offer an aid at learning to produce enough heat for under 0 Celcius weather (when water is not liquid but instead ice and snow). So they fit only winter weather in similar climates, I mean in climates with such weathers. They are not meant for indoors use, even thoug they seek to offer a nice way of living such weathers. They do not fit so many places like music often does.)

I try to compose something about the winter weathers. I like the winter, but I often need to warm my face and part of ears by my bare hands. Otherwise I usually stay well warm.
Here is my first attempt:

8. of December 2019
Tässä yksi tyypillinen sää, jota joskus kohtaa, mutta kyllä plussan puolella, lumi osin sulanut, tihkusadetta tms pientä sadetta ja tuuli, joka lyö leiman säähän, vaikkei niin kovin kova ole. Tässä pimeän aikaan katulamppujen valossa. Tälle säälle tuo ikävän sävyn se, että heinokossa talvehtivat hyönteiset ovat jääneet ilman lumen suojaa."

Here one typical weather that one sometimes meets, but above 0C though, snow partly melted, slight rain and a wind that is characteristic of the weather even though it isn't so very strong. Here in the time of dark, in the light of street lights. Insects that doze the winter in the tall grasses are in this weather without snow's shelter and that leaves a nasty atmosphere.

10.12.2019   One easy way to stay warm in the winter is to be well eaten and to kind of curl to warmth, to not to wander far from the shelter of one's clothes. And if one has gotten cool, to warm the insides of one's limbs and body like a hair dryer blowing heat from the central parts of the limbs and torso, along the limbs and torso, all the way to the surface of the skin but not out of the body. And the keep the air inside the clothes and a centimeter or two from the face etc quite warm. But so one does not experience the wetaher strongly and not as refreshing.
When one meets the weather as an ages old challenge, one can via being an individual stay warm. But if one is not so clearly an individual löike in good objectivity or tv documents of birds by the ice sea, then the social ways often lead to lack of blood near the surface of the body and so one's skin is too cold. The same happens if one keeps company to people who are indoors when one oneself is out in the cold. One should instead enjoy the winter weather, drown in the winter weather, it's beauty, and so be an individual in practice and stay warm. The ages old challenge pf the wetahers and nature is refreshing and good for the spirit, bring a content happy mind.

12th of December 2019
Snow and a few degrees under zero, on a walk when still dark, snow also on the branches of trees, but I warmed my cheeks with my hands.

A wind makes the skin quickly cold. When you walk against the wind,lift quite often your gloves to shelter the face for a moment, so as to regain warmth to the face. If the wind is at your side, keep most of the time your hand at that side to shelter the head from the wind.


Rising to meet the challenges winter weather sets, brings a healthy spirit and a feeling of well-being.


18th of December 2019

Ordinary rain of snow, quite warm weather

Raining snow, streetlights here and there
The snowy landscape brought to my mind the Narnia adventure books.

Friday 20th of December 2019

9th of January 2020

27th of January 2020
Yesterday I sent my text about the seasons to the Eskimos but it left a kind of somewhat  kkrraahh like feeling.

12.2.2020   My impression is that all but the last, the above winter melody ("Snowy, around -16C") are such that one can listen to them in the winter time, but the last one creates so much heat that one can listen to it only if it so cold and one is just going outdoors. So the last one is not an ordinary song. But I have the impression that it helps some foreigners stay warm in under 0C temperatures if they formerly tended to get too cold.

* * *

16.8.2020   Here in Savonlinna in eastern Finland there is typically each winter some four to five months of snow: from November to March. (4.11.2020 And before that usually during a week or two it may rain snow mixed with water.)

26th of October 2020   The Eskimos are famous for having many words for snow but people in Finland who copy from the Eskimos do not typically experience winter weathers so strongly and beautifully and especially not with so much variation. That I guess is partly because the heat regulation skills of staying warm are also dependent on climate and culture and situation of life, but mainly because being tuned to certain weather means you are sensitive just around that weather while do not do so well in widely different weathers and weather types, and so the Eskimos can sense well around the Eskimo weathers they are interested in.tuned to right then and of other weathers in the same times, but not in much warmer weather with different type of snow, moisture, wind, mood, etc like in Finland. So being tuned to the climate and season one lives in is important in sensing the different types of snow and weathers and enjoying them much. 

If you are tuned to for example certain Eskimo weathers that you have and experience them beautifully, with healthy spirit and very enjoyably, with the sense of atmospheres too, you could learn to compose music about them for the joy and learning of others too, please read for that. (It does not need to be spring.)

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19th of November 2020   OBS! These are melodies that I have composed outdoors to help staying warm in the winter time. These are not melodies of the weathers itself but instead of heat regulation in such a weather. And so these melodies sound much much warmer than the weathers themselves.