" There are many ways to experience the local weathers. Experiencing them nice typically demands that one woukd like such a climate, kibd of feel like-minded with the character features typical in the traditional cultyre there, and especially in the wise charm of the wild nature. So it means that one should not prefer the style of wisdom of some very different climate or very different type of place. When one is in a certain clinate, one ought to luve in the local climate's ways instead of tuning to pondering far-away climate's moods, rythms etc.
If one lives in a very even way, like a train on it's tracks, there is nit much music-lijedness in one's lufe experience. But if there are variations in the speed according to the naturaö rythms of the thibgs done, that is already much nearer to experiencing life as musical. So if one lives in normal natural everyday life's ways but is turned, tuned toward exoeriencing lufe mire fascinating and healthy natyral ages old kibd, wise and with wisdom of life, so one can experience sensations nicer and stronger lije get varued sensory imoressions beauty of light and spits of coloyr, shades of coloyrs, sgapes, practical thibgs done determinibg some thibfs in the environment, motivation mattering, there being the wisdom of ages old life carrying, wisdom of life leading toward it's way. In such spirts, the sense of sight, atmosphere sensations and motivations, ways of life, types of wisdom if life, types of things done, miljos, etc matter a lot.
When obe with such a fine-tuning toward the original natyre of humans and of living beinfs, and with it's natyral rythms and shades of life, goes out to the weather and tunes to how it is at mospgeric to wander in such a weather and how such lufe comoares with the life situations (of of course oneself and more distantly) of one's friends egc, there us some music-likedness in the air. Lije a bird on a near-by tree-branch singing of spribg has the weather as a subject and how lives develop in the near future as the spring advances, and how each kind of being wanders in the landscape, living one's lufe. Simikarly the weathers and the trees, an autumn wind for exampke are lije a piece of some ages okd tgemes in life, the weather feeling impressive.
Roughly in the same subject also:
* "Soi vienosti murheeni soitto" by Oskar Merikanto
* my blog post https://tanssitanssi.blogspot.com/2024/01/the-dance-of-one-living-in-objective.html
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